Corporate Responsibility : Sustainability
Elvan Chemicals is committed to the concept of Sustainable Development, which is to minimize the imprint that our operations and businesses leave on our collective health and safety and that of the environment, both for ourselves and for future generations.
To turn this commitment into reality, we have standards and practices regarding the preservation of water and non-renewable resources and the protection of air and other environmental media. We actively seek opportunities within our operations and drive continuous improvement in support of sustainable development.
Once identified, we establish programs to improve our performance in those areas, with goals, objectives and targets against which we measure our progress. Corporate Responsibility : EHS & S
Our environmental, health, safety and security goal is to achieve our vision of an incident-free workplace: no accidents, injuries or harm to the environment. One of our core principles is to ensure the safety and health of the public, our employees, contractors and customers and to protect the environment. Our dedication to Responsible CareĀ® is one aspect of upholding this principle.
We are dedicated to publicly reporting Responsible Care metrics, an initiative of the American Chemistry Council (ACC), which establishes a set of uniform industry-wide metrics to measure individual company and industry performance. The measures enable ACC member companies to identify areas for continuous improvement and provide a means for the public to track individual company and industry performance.
We welcome any requests for information or any comments about our Responsible Care Management System or any of our programs.
Annual Safety Performance
We are committed to safety at every level. We document and publish our annual safety statistics so that we all remain aware and vigilant of safety and health in our work environment and communities.
Click on the link below to access our annual safety statistics.