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lubricating agents, manufacturer textile chemicals
Dyeing & Printing Chemicals
lubricating agents, manufacturer textile chemicals
Textile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier Dyeing Chemicals Exporter
Textile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier
» CATASYST – RRD (Scouring, Levelling, Emulsifying, Machine Cleaning & Lubricating Agent)
Textile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier
CATASYST-RRD is a specially formulated “all in one auxiliary” for dyeing of polyester & polyester blended fabrics. It is stable under High Temperature High Pressure conditions. Therefore it is highly suitable in all machines such as Jet Dyeing Machine, Beam Dyeing Machine, Closed Jigger, Winch & Yarn Dyeing Equipments. It acts in many ways for scouring, emulsifying & cleaning as well as lubricating when used in processing of fabric.
CATASYST-RRD is applicable to fully flooded, semi-flooded & low liquor systems. It is low foaming & is stable in high performance pump flow systems. CATASYST-RRD requires no other addition to dyeing system apart from a pH control buffer.
» APPEARANCEDyeing Chemicals Exporter: Amber coloured liquid.
» pHTextile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier: Slightly acidic to neutral on dilution.
» IONIC NATURETextile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier: Nonionic.
» COMPATIBILITYTextile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier: Excellent with nonionic, anionic & cationic auxiliaries & dyes. Dyeing Chemicals ExporterStable to acid & alkali conditions normally used in dyeing.
» SOLUBILITYTextile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier: Readily dispersible in water.
First clean the jet dyeing machine as follows :
» 0.5 to 1gm./lit. CATASYST RRD
» 2gm./lit. Caustic Soda Flakes.
» 2gm./lit. Sodium Hydro Sulphite.
Run the machine in the above solution at 130 C for 60min. followed by cooling, draining & finally give Acetic Acid rinse to ensure the removal of Oligomers etc.
NowTextile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier1. Take the required quantity of water, add o.5 to 1.0gm/lit. CATASYST-RRD Dyeing Chemicals Exporteror 0.1 to 0.2% o.w.f.
Textile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier2. Add Acetic Acid to make pH between 5 to 6.
Textile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier3. Add pre-dissolved dye stuff & start the program.
CATASYST-RRD will help in eliminating the problems, such as barrines, foaming entanglement, patchy or uneven dyeing in Jet Dyeing Machine, Beam Dyeing, Yarn Dyeing machines, Jigger & winches of H.T.H.P. process.
PACKINGPrinting Chemicals Exporter: 50Kgs. net in Plastic Containers.
Textile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier
Textile Dyeing & Printing Chemical Supplier
textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals
Printing Chemicals Exporter
» POLYCOL – BDNG (Carrier for Disperse Dyeing)
Nonionic Anionic & Cationic Auxiliaries
A carrier for dyeing of polyester and blends with disperse dyes.
» APPEARANCEtextile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals: Brownish Yellow Liquid.
» SOLUBILITYtextile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals: Emulsifies with water in all proportions.
» COMPATIBILITYPrinting Chemicals Exporter: Compatible with anionic & nonionic products stable to hard textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicalswater, acids & dilute bases.
» pH(1% Solution)textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals: 6 – 7.
» IONIC NATUREtextile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals: Anionic.
» SPECIALITIEStextile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals: Suitable for use in Dyeing of :
textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicalsTexturised yarn in package from.
Dyeing Chemicals SupplierFilament Polyester fabrics.
textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicalsTexturised piece goods in jet dyeing machine.
» Ensures even dyeing where optimal temperature is 103°C in exhaust dyeing textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicalsprocess used for Polyester / Wool blends & Texturised Polyester Yarn / Fabrics.
» Ensures improved & level dyeing due to migration properties of disperse dyes textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicalswhich are enhanced by carrier.
» In dyeing at boil in open, please ensure proper ventilation.
Polyester staple or filament & blends with cellulose. Dyeing at high temperature Optimal levelling. Apply POLYCOL-BDNG, 0.5 – 2.0% (on weight of goods) in HT / HP package or jet machine at 130° – 135°C.
Texturised Polyester, Polyester / wool, Polyester / cotton & Polyester Yarn or piece goods. Dyeing at boil or at 105 to 125°C In the dyebath, add POLYCOL-BDNG 3 to 5% depending on the depth of shade & liquor ratio.
PACKINGPrinting Chemicals Supplier: 50Kgs. net in HDPE carboys.
Printing Chemicals Supplier
textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals
textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals textile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals
Printing Chemicals Supplier
» POLYPRINT – HTP (Accelerating Agent)
Printing Chemicals Supplier
POLYPRINT-HTP is an excellent accelerator (printing aid) for developing disperse dye prints on polyester by loop steaming / thermofixing.
» APPEARANCEPrinting Chemicals Supplier: Colourless to pale yellow transparent liquid.
» IONIC NATUREtextile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals: Nonionic.
» pHtextile dyeing chemicals, surfactant chemicals: 6 – 9.
» SOLUBILITYtextile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries: Readily soluble in water in all proportions.
» Acts as hydrotropic agent, dissolving the colour in itself & then getting dissolved Dyeing Chemicals Manufacturerin aqueous base. This reduces the particle size of the disperse colour, making it Dyeing Chemicals Manufacturereasier to penetrate.
» Forms the near most layer to the polyester because of its affinity to the same. textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliariesDisperse colour dissolves in this layer and transfers to the polyester, giving full textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliariescolour value.
» Fixes more amount of dye, leaving very less unfixed dye, to be washed off in textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliariessubsequent process. This reduces the bleeding of the dye during washing, offer-Dyeing Chemicals Manufacturering higher probability to obtain tint free, brighter prints.
Make the gum paste as usual. Add citric acid or any suitable acid to adjust the pH 5 to 5.5. Add 1Kg of POLYPRINT-HTP per 100Kgs. of gum paste. Add predisolved POLYPRINT-HTP with the gum paste in adequate quantity of water & mix well to obtain desirable depth and tone of the shade. Print, dry, thermofix, or loop-age as usual. Wash, dry & finish as usual.
PACKINGDyeing Chemicals Manufacturer: 50Kgs. net in Plastic Containers.
textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries
textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries
textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries Printing Chemicals Manufacturer
Printing Chemicals Manufacturer
» POLYCOL – HCLA (Accelerating Agent for Disperse Dyes.)
textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries
POLYCOL-HCLA is the best printing aid for obtaining bright and clear prints in both loop steaming / thermofixing way.
» Pale yellow transparent liquid.
» Almost colourless.
» Soluble in water to any extent.
» IONIC NATURENonionic Anionic & Cationic Auxiliaries: Nonionic.
» pHPrinting Chemicals Manufacturer: 6.5 to 7.0
» Gum paste to be adjusted for 5.00 to 5.5pH.
» Add 1.0Kg of POLYCOL-HCLA per 100Kgs. of paste.
» Add predissolved colour & stirr well.
» Print, dry, thermofix or loop-age.
» Wash as usual.
ADVANTAGEPrinting Chemicals Manufacturer: Due to its ability to fix maximum colour it reduces the load on textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliariesprint washing, reduces the chances of tinting and leaves higher Nonionic Anionic & Cationic Auxiliariesbackground as bright as desirable.
STORAGEtextile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries: Stable under normal conditions store in cool dry place.
PACKINGDyeing Chemicals Exporter: 50Kgs. net in Plastic Container.
Dyeing Chemicals Exporter
Nonionic Anionic & Cationic Auxiliaries
textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries
textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries
» POLYCOL – DFA (Dye Fixing Agent)
Dyeing Chemicals Exporter
POLYCOL-DFA is a versatile dye fixing agent used in after treatment of direct and reactive dyed fabric to improve their wash fastness properties. This results due to the formation of electrostatic bonds between the dye anions and cations of dye fixing agent which will result in good fixation of the dye.
» APPEARANCEDyeing Chemicals Exporter: Colourless Liquid.
» COMPATIBILITYNonionic Anionic & Cationic Auxiliaries: Good with cationic & nonionic.
textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliariesShould not be used with anionic products, sulphates etc.
» SOLUBILITYtextile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries: Readily Soluble.
» IONIC NATUREDyeing Chemicals Exporter: Cationic.
» Prevents bleeding & staining.
» Improves fastness to perspiration.
» Affects light fastness to direct & reactive dyes if used in excess proportions.
» Should not be used on pale shades of reactive dyes.
For medium to dark shadestextile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliaries: textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliariesRatio : 1.5 to 3% (o.w.m.) by exhaustion at 50°C.
For pale shade (Direct Dyes) : textile finishing chemicals, textile auxiliariesRatio : 0.5 to 1.5% (o.w.m.) by exhaustion at 50°C.
Dyeing Chemicals Exporter5 to 15g/l by padding at 50°C.
STORAGEDyeing Chemicals Exporter: Stable under normal conditions.
PACKINGdye fixing agents, scouring agents, lubricating agents: 50Kgs. net in HDPE Containers.
dye fixing agents, scouring agents, lubricating agents
(Note: The above information is offered as true and accurate to the best of our knowledge but without obligation and liability.)
dye fixing agents, scouring agents, lubricating agents
Dyeing Chemicals Exporter
dye fixing agents, scouring agents, lubricating agents
dye fixing agents, scouring agents, lubricating agents